Our Mission
The mission of Bradford Teen Center, Inc. is to provide a safe, enjoyable environment where teenage youth are heard, encouraged, and empowered. The center will do this by offering after-school and out of school programs to stimulate creativity, enhance self-esteem, and develop social and educational skills; encouraging community awareness among teens through involvement in community service projects; fostering the development of leadership skills; and providing a safe location for social and recreational activities.
Our Story
The Bradford Teen Center was formed in 2018, by Patrick Peters. Patrick has always been passionate about supporting youth in the community, and when he heard that the existing teen center was closing, he took on the task of starting another center for the youth in Bradford and the surrounding communities. The father of a teenage son himself, Patrick recognized the need for a safe place for teens to go. In October of 2018, a board of directors was formed and The Bradford Teen Center was born.
Two local teens named the center and designed the logo. TJ Adams suggested the center be named "The Hub" because it would be a central place for teens to come together, and Caleb Peters designed the logo, representing youth coming together and being connected.
In spring of 2020, The Bradford Teen Center found a home for The Hub at 9 Barton Street in Bradford.
We asked for donations of items for The Hub, and the community answered with an outpouring of support! The Bradford Teen Center was able to outfit the new space with furniture, cooking appliances, books, air hockey table, ping pong, movies, Xbox 360 and games, arts and crafts, laptops, and a printer. In the summer of 2022, the Hub relocated it's current location, just around the corner at 134 Main Street in Bradford.
Who We Are
Emily Cummings, Executive Director
Emily lives in Bradford and brings to the position a strong background in human services, most recently as a substance abuse counselor. Her enthusiasm for working with young people is obvious to all who meet her.
"I’m really excited to take on this role as the director of The Hub," she said, "not only because I enjoy working with teens, but also for the opportunity to make a positive impact on the community."
"I want the The Hub to be not only an entertaining and enjoyable space, but also a haven where all teens feel they can come be heard and be safe, no matter what is going on in their lives."
She loves to create, play games, read books, meditate, and laugh a lot. When she's not working, she likes to be home making jewelry or listening to books with her three cats Smeagol, Weegurt, and Newton.
You can reach her at director.thehub@gmail.com
Megan Mikesell, Staff Member
Megan and her dog moved to Bradford from California about a year ago, so she could work making bread at King Arthur Flour. Megan enjoys rock climbing, hiking, camping, good food, and exploring new places. She is excited to work at The Hub to get more involved in the community, help create a safe space for teens, and assist teens in discovering new skills.
Board Members
Patrick Peters, President
Patrick has a passion for supporting and empowering youth in the community. He is the founder of the Bradford Teen Center, and served as its first director. He works as an instructional coach in the Barre, VT school district, and is working on his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, focusing on Curriculum and Instruction. You can reach him at boardbtchub.president@gmail.com
Kyle Limlaw, Secretary
Kyle is a special educator at Bradford Elementary School. She has been teaching for 28 years, both in VT and NH. Kyle moved to the area in 1977 from CT and lives in Corinth, VT with her husband and two children, one of whom has attended the Hub. She became interested in supporting the opportunities that the Bradford Teen Center provides to area youth, and joined the board in 2020.
Betsy Alexander, Treasurer
Betsy is a retired academic administrator who lives in Lebanon, New Hampshire. She is a professional writer, editor, and graphic designer, and has served on several non-profit boards in the area, most recently the board of Bel Canto Chamber Singers. She became familiar with Bradford through her family who live there—including two grandchildren, the older of whom attends the Hub—and is passionate about supporting development opportunities for children and teens. You can reach her at treasurer.bradfordteencenter@gmail.com.
Hope Cataldo
Hope is originally from North Haverhill, NH and was a teacher at Bradford Elementary School for 2 years. She is now the 4th grade teacher in an all inclusive classroom at Lowell Community Charter Public School in Lowell, Massachusetts. She is also the after school STEM Teacher and a Girls On The Run Coach for the Greater Boston Area. Hope loves all things sports and arts and crafts and working with students of all ages. Although she now lives in Billerica, MA, she absolutely loves continuing to be a part of the Bradford Community and serving on the Bradford Teen Center Board!
Bridget Peters, Publicity Coordinator
Bridget is mom to two boys, and works in Human Resources for the Hanover & Norwich School Districts. She enjoys gardening, canning, and hiking, and is a member of the North Country Chorus. She is passionate about providing opportunities and support for vulnerable and marginalized teens, and loves sharing her excitement about the Bradford Teen Center with community members and donors through her work in the role of Publicity Coordinator. You can reach her at publicity.bradfordteencenter@gmail.com